Alkaline Water Systems

Many people have heard the growing buzz around the potential health benefits of drinking alkaline water. After going through the alkaline filter, minerals are placed back into the water, right from the tap!

Why are people drinking alkaline water?

Everything you eat and drink has a pH level of 0 (very acidic) to 14 (high alkalinity). Typical drinking water usually has a pH of 7. Alkaline water typically has a pH between 7.5 and 9, our filter has reached as high as 10. Enthusiasts of consuming alkaline food and beverages advocate for added minerals.

How does it work?

Water is directed through the EcoWater post-filter where it dissolves minerals to add flavor and raise pH. Chlorine taste and odor and sediment are reduced, and the only thing left behind is pure, great-tasting water and minerals that help improves the taste to filtered water.